Sunday, June 07, 2009


So, we made it through the end of the school year!! With the help of my wonderful sister and a few students, I got all of my stuff (and there was a lot) moved into my new room, and because we had a week between the end of spring and start of summer school I was able to clean the new room (and boy it needed it) and get mainly unpacked before the start of summer.
Summer school was a bit of a fiasco at the beginning and while I do have 36 students in biology, it is going ok -- luckily they are a good group of kiddos.

Mike is just working all the time -- this 2 job thing is a bit crazy really!

Myka is doing great (is up to 14 teeth with the last 2 canines working their way in) -- although she is now crying when I take her to daycare :(
She is in the 1-year old room now, and Betty (the teacher in the infant room, who is moving up to the ones) is not there in the summer, so when we went in last week, Myka looked at me like I was crazy for even thinking of leaving her there. New room, new teacher, too much change! At least the kiddos are still the same! She is walking around and playing all the time and doing something new every day -- and at least we are only in summer school Mon-Thurs. So we have had a great three-day weekend! I am adding a few videos of her playing yesterday - she decided that her doll house was a climbing object or a seat for her piano depending :)
Enjoy and love to all!
Erin, Mike and Myka

p.s. hopefully going up to Utah for the 4th, Mike is checking on Monday to see if he definately has the time off! OH, and more pics on the picasa site! :)


Tonya said...

SOOO CUTE!!! She is growing too fast. Have the dogs sit on her or something to stop it! BTW...get that kid some toys, will you? Poor thing.

We love and miss you guys! Sure hope you can make it for the 4th/6th! Post again when you know...kisses to the baby and love to all!

Anonymous said...

What a doll she reminds me of Tonya more than anyone in my family. In fact she looks alot like her hair and all. Mike and Tonya have pictures that are similar too so there you go....
I agree the girl needs more things to play with....Can hardly wait to see all of you. Hope the 4th comes through. If not I'll be down for sure.......